-Hey Bara... we've witnessed some problems during your last match against Bahane. We'd like to hear the issues from you as a firsthand source, pls."
-Sure Eddie. The thing is our last match went crazy after 3rd minute. Constant freezes and a play like slow-mo track which was neither funny nor enjoyable. Later on, Bahane showed a great interest in details and even didn't forget to mention the pings of each player but as to the freezes and slow-mo, not a word!! So we ask, if so concerned with the details, why no mention of deadly freezes!!!"
-Yes Bara we saw that field was so heavy. So you think this was not right.
-Absolutely, I think, normally a person who is fond of recording such details, should've at least mentioned the freezes but no. He said the match was a "normal!" one. Well, maybe normal for him, but not for me. The thing bothers me here is he could've passed this without mentioning and record the game score but instead he took the time to mention the pings as if he was the one facing disadvantage but didn't touch on the subject of way more important issues such as a slow-mo game, and recorded as "normal". This is no good man.
-I see Bara. So what do you gonna do for that?
-I'll tell the same to him. You know overall he is a good guy. I didn't see him cheat or discriminate among players. So I consider it a minor issue between us which hopefully wouldn't affect our future matches. But we have to bear in mind that too much of an ambition may start to consume good values such as friendship, for which we have many examples even in our little EHIS world.
-And there is one more thing. I like to cherish my games. So I'd like to make an announcement here. People should play when they have time. I dont like to be nagged into a hurry-scurry. So please dont request games when you have no adequate time. it takes away a certain joy of the game.
-And what do you think about the condition of EHIS world lately? Your name is still being mentioned now and then though you refuse to have any sort of contact?
-I think EHIS64.net site does not have a friendly environment. There are many things I dont approve of. That's why I'm not involving in or contributing to any of its activities. You know, you can setup a wonder business with a bright idea, but you may not be capable of working it properly through time. These are different things. As to certain people mentioning my name, I have to say, I am not blocking anyone. I DELETED 2 people months ago due to signs of a lesser genetic quality in them. Thats all.
-Thanks Barayef
-Thank you Eddie.
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