Monday, May 11, 2009

Interview with Andre on Emlyn Hughes Soccer

EDDIE: Hey Andre, this is your last interview before returning to Vitosha Mountains?
ANDRE: Yes Eddie. So its your last better dont waste this opportunity with small talk. lol

EDDIE: How about the 2008-2009 season?
ANDRE: We had some ups and downs but managed to finish at a higher ranking than last year. Defeated giants like Toni, Arda, and Carl. Experienced a lot. Learnt many things. I think 2009-2010 may be our breakthrough year.

EDDIE: And the new transfer you've been talking about lately?
ANDRE: OK. His name is Luigi Matteo and he is from Italy. He will sign the contract and join us in Vitosha. No more easy scoring for our opponents. He is a master in blocking longshots, be it straight or cross.

EDDIE: What can you say about your opponents this year?
ANDRE: Well, we all witnessed the matches together. I can say that, if Carl is the King of straight long shots in EHIS, Arda is the master of long cross shots. When it comes to Tony, he is a different player. Superior technique and magnificient fundamental skills, No wonder he is the "numero uno" at the moment.

EDDIE: What is your target next year?
ANDRE: First I have to say that I hope we see more newcomers. Its kinda boring sometimes to play with the same guys again and again just like riding a merry-go-round for hours. My target is to be in the top ten next year and I'm sure we have the ability to do that. The recent results despite playing with a joystick that always pushes left no matter what you do, is the most apparent evidence.

EDDIE: What would you say about the players secretly hiring other players to play for them? It was a shame this year!
ANDRE: Its their problem Eddie. Anyone who has a character wouldnt do that. We've been offered such things in the past but never resorted to despicable behaviors like that. You cant prevent it. As long as people of weak character exist, such things will continue to happen. I believe in myself and dont need anyone to play for me.

EDDIE: Lastly, What is your opinion about the efforts of "Le Idiot"?
ANDRE: Lets call him Chris, Eddie. Its not nice to continue this.

EDDIE: But everyone calls him "Le Idiot"! There are other things they call him which I can not say
ANDRE: Anyway, this season is finished for us so its too late to discuss this matter. I am going to Krypton now. lol. For next season, personally, I can play with everyone as long as they play with everyone. Here is my offer, we play with chris exactly the same number of matches that he plays with Toni. Its fair for me. To make it clear, if he plays 20 matches with Toni, I can play with him that much as well. I dont hate him and he is one of the few guys who take this game seriously so we will see what happens next year. Coming soon. lol. We should keep the audience alive, ha?

EDDIE: OK Thank you Andre. I'll join you in Vitosha next month. Have a good holiday.
ANDRE: Thanks Eddie. You too. See you there.


Anonymous said...

We are proud of Andre. He is simply an exemplary coach.There is none like him in the Emlyn Hughes Soccer Community.

Anonymous said...

Andre behaves very respective even to his enemies.

This is the Vitosha spirit in Emlyn Hughes Soccer Community.